Pure Africa: Towards a new fair coffee epoch
As a member of the fair coffee revolution, Pure Africa aims to make their chains transparent to be safe in the belief that no farmers have been exploited in the growing of their coffee beans. Searching for ways to improve their supply chain, Pure Africa looks to blockchain as a way to bark up the right tree, and that’s when Trace came into the picture: In the summer of 2022 two traceable batches of Rwandan coffee will find its way into Dutch supermarkets!

The project
Coffee brand Pure Africa is using Trace to gain a better understanding of their value chains. For that, 40 tons of coffee will be traced from farm to cup. The brand is eager to learn if the price they pay to farmers is sufficient to be called a ‘fair price’. More specifically, as they are already paying farmers a premium on top of the market prices, they want to find out if this is enough for the workers to invest in their future. As Justus Bijlsma, co-founder of Pure Africa, says: “We don’t want them having to take out expensive loans in order to be able to finance their business.” This first pilot project with Pure Africa will connect 80 farmers with Trace.
What did we do?
Who is Pure-Africa?
Pure-Africa is a micro financing organisation. They invest €1 per kilogram sold into micro loans to African farmers. These loans are used to purchase land or fertiliser. Besides providing micro loans, they are also investing in improving prices for coffee farmers. Their coffee originates from Eastern Africa; Ethiopia, Burundi and Rwanda.