The team

Maxine Tillij

Maxine Tillij

Supervisory Board

Hedwig Bruggeman

Hedwig Bruggeman

Supervisory Board

Sander de Jong

Sander de Jong


The visionary, the inspirer, the director.

Mariana Broitman

Mariana Broitman

Research and communications assistant

Meet our star Mariana: she takes our communication activities to the next level, as she conducts research on the living wage and income while making the subject understandable to all..

Wiard Gorter

Wiard Gorter

Supervisory Board

Marten van Gils

Marten van Gils

Tech director

Marten has been the spiritual father of all our innovations since 2016, which is why we officially named him our director of digital innovations in 2020.

Adaku Omidosu

Adaku Omidosu

Innovation and partnership manager

Sudeesh Narayanan

Sudeesh Narayanan

Technical lead

Jolande Sap

Jolande Sap

Chair Supervisory Board

Photography Edwin Weers

Pieter Goudswaard

Pieter Goudswaard

Supervisory Board

Isa Miralles

Isa Miralles

Living wage and income lead

Isa is the living and breathing first stop for anyone who wants to know more about living wage and income.

Amruthesh KS

Amruthesh KS

Senior backend developer

Peter van der Linde

Peter van der Linde

Partnership director

Would you like to partner up with Fairfood? Peter is your man! He’s responsible for creating and executing our partnership strategy.

Channa Brunt

Channa Brunt

Head of marketing and communications

They call her the conscience of Fairfood. Which helps when you’re telling the fair and transparent Fairfood story.

Derek Hardwick

Derek Hardwick

Product owner Trace

We are particularly proud of our transparency tool Trace, and with it of the product owner Derek.

Gopu Prasad

Gopu Prasad

UI/UX designer

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